Solar and Radiant Heating in Columbus, IN
Looking for a smarter way to heat your home or business? Consider the many benefits of radiant heating! At Barr Plumbing Service, Inc., we prize eco-friendly solutions, which is why we often advocate for solar and radiant heating installations. Using solar paneling to heat your home’s hot water or exploring a hydronic heating solution for your large commercial space is a great way to save money, while getting the comfort you deserve.
We’ve been fortunate enough to work on radiant heating applications throughout Columbus, Seymour, and Indianapolis, IN. Consult with us today about your needs and whether an ambient heating option is right for them.
The Benefits of Ambient Heating
Why choose radiant heating for your home or business? For starters, it’s an energy-efficient, cost-efficient way to enjoy warmth in your space! Heat isn’t wasted moving through air ducts or radiators, which means your equipment isn’t overworking itself. Plus, hydronic heating applications offer even heat distribution, unlike vented heating which can vary from place to place within the building.
Because there’s no air involved with hydronic heating applications, people with allergies will be able to breathe easier. You’re not whipping up dust particles or recirculating allergens each time the air in your space is exchanged.
Finally, the long-term benefits of solar and radiant heating are unbeatable. Between government energy grants to install solar panels and the long-lasting lifetime of boiler units, you’ll get the heat you want long after other mechanical systems have failed.

Our Ambient Heating Solutions
We bring Columbus, IN home and business owners high-efficiency Bosh and HTP Boiler units, as well as Combi-units based on their needs. We can also help you plan for and set up a solar heating application based on the specific needs of your system and the capacity for heating you demand from it.
Enjoy a Smarter Heating Solution
Barr Plumbing Service, Inc. is the local expert on radiant heating—including solar and radiant hydronic heating applications. Contact us today at 812-376-9426 for more information about our capabilities, which also include work on boilers and sewer lines, or to inquire about the benefits and application of one of these solutions in your home or business.