Water is a must-have, and the easy access you have to it contributes significantly more to your home’s comfort than you imagine. However, not all water is the same. There is hard water and soft water, a distinction made depending on the milligrams per liter (m/l) of dissolved calcium carbonate that the water contains. It’s recommended […]
Your Ultimate Spring Plumbing Maintenance Checklist
The spring season comes with many things to do and check. From gardening to cleaning and repairing the AC, the list is endless. Your spring cleaning should involve inspecting your plumbing system to ensure proper water flow and wastewater disposal. If you just moved into a new home, the process may sound daunting, and you […]
How To Extend the Life of Your Boiler
Providing adequate heat to residents, visitors, or employees in any type of building is very important. For those who would like to ensure a reliable heating source today, investing in a boiler can be a great option. When you are an owner of a boiler, you can expect it to last for a long time with […]
Is Hard Water Hard on Your Wallet?
Is it more expensive to have hard water? Having hard water can actually cost you a lot of money in the long run. Read on if you’re interested in learning exactly how hard water can be hard on your wallet. Hard water can destroy your clothes and towels A major reason it is more expensive […]
Why Does My Sink Have a Bad Odor?
Asking yourself, “Why does my sink stink?” There are many possible causes for bad sink smells, including clogs, rotting food and sewage problems. Finding the exact cause of your smelly sink will help best determine how to get rid of the odors. The worst odors can permeate throughout an entire home, making it almost impossible […]